Heavy Metal Toxicity 101

Heavy Metal Toxicity 101

Chronic heavy metal toxicity is not something your internist or family doctor is in the habit of diagnosing. These general practitioners will usually diagnose the disease and then — if heavy metal toxins are discovered in the process — begin a regimen to remove those toxins. But here at Restoration Healthcare, we’re of the opinion…

Doug Wukawitz

And The Winner Is…Meet The Winner of Our First 14-Day Detox Challenge

We recently hosted our first 14-Day Detox Challenge, during which client contestants raced against a two-week clock to cleanse their bodies of impurities and show the most improved body composition at the end of the competition. Contestants participated in a two-phase detox process between May 7-20, 2015, that included the use of a comprehensive, doctor-supervised…

Understanding Vitamin B12 Injections

Understanding Vitamin B12 Injections

No doubt about it, there’s lots of confusion over the usefulness and benefits of Vitamin B12 injections. So we think a short primer is in order to clear the misconceptions and lack of knowledge about this nutrient that many doctors — including those here at Restoration Healthcare — agree is essential for red cell production,…