The Green Smoothie: Tonic or Toxin

The Green Smoothie: Tonic or Toxin?

Imagine filling your cup at the fountain of youth. No one would blame you if you envision a green smoothie — a frothy concoction of all-natural nutrients certain to restore your youthful energy and appearance. So what’s with the headline here? How could a green smoothie possibly be toxic? The concern swirls around organic chemical…

8 Ideas on Healthcare Legislation from a Functional Medicine Perspective

A couple months ago, we published “Making Sense of Health Insurance in the Trump Era” to offer some insight into the Trump administration’s repeal-and-replace solution for The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (i.e., Obamacare). Since then, we have come to realize that the problem with both the previous bill and the current legislation…

Hand Washing Graphic

Handwashing: Top Rx to Curb Contagion

When your doctor or health practitioner suggests meticulous hand washing as a primary means of preventing illness and disease, it sounds like a no-brainer — something along the lines of your dentist telling you that frequent brushing will prevent tooth decay. No doubt about it. When it comes to curtailing colds, eradicating drug-resistant infections and…

Mindfulness Restoration Healthcare

Living Healthy in a Toxic Environment — Part IV: Mindfulness and Meditation

Editor’s Note: Today’s post is the fourth in our six-part series on living healthy in a toxic-filled environment. If you haven’t had a chance to read the previous posts in this series, please see: Part I — Recognizing the Problem, followed by Part II — Reducing Your Exposure to Environmental Toxins, and Part III — Food and Fasting. Living Healthy in…

Living Healthy in a Toxic Environment — Part I: Recognizing the Problem

Living Healthy in a Toxic Environment — Part I: Recognizing the Problem

The Industrial Revolution and the Information Age have been periods of enormous progress in terms of technology and prosperity. In some ways, this progress has improved our health, leading to advances in preventing and treating infection, diagnosing and curing acute illness, repairing injuries, and gaining a clearer understanding of genetics. Unfortunately, here at Restoration Healthcare…