Sports Injury Treatment Irvine, CA

Orthopedic Surgeon Irvine

Sports Injury Doctor, CA

Sports Injury Clinic Irvine

If you injured yourself in a sports-related activity like running, biking, hiking, CrossFit, rock climbing, standup paddleboarding, or surfing, we can help you get back to your sport faster and stronger than you may be able to with traditional physical therapy.

Outside of a traumatic injury, we’ve learned that most unresolved pain syndromes are due to an overall weakness or imbalance in the body that forces a specific area to take more of the load, eventually breaking down.

Non-Surgical Sports Injury Treatment in Irvine

For example, a well-intended person wants to get in shape by starting a running program and begins to have knee pain. Often the root cause is poor hip strength, allowing the knee to have abnormal motion. In most of these cases, it is a little bit of “bad mechanics” repeated many times under the weight of your own body that caused your injury.

In our experience, knee pain usually resolves with good foundational training, even though the X-rays/MRI may show degeneration or a tear. Here at Restoration Healthcare, we feel that this approach is worth two to four weeks of care to see if it can help. This is also true for many areas of the body that hurt from participating in sports such as Bootcamp, CrossFit, triathlon training or simply working out at the gym.

If any of this strikes a chord, give us a call at (949) 535-2322 . We’re open Monday through Friday from 8 am – 5 pm.

Pain Control

We also offer a number of options for controlling pain that results from sports injury, including:

Hear About a New Level of Care and Compassion from Arabella

After being passed around from doctor-to-doctor and multiple emergency room visits, no one knew what was causing Arabella’s nerve, joint and muscle pain, extreme fatigue and inability to walk. Was it multiple sclerosis? Was it Lyme Disease? What it something else? A friend’s recommendation led her to Restoration Healthcare, who confirmed it was Lyme Disease.

She describes the experience as being engaging with high standards of care from people who actually care about their patients. The clinic explored every aspect of Arabella’s health including nutritional status, hormone balance, immunity and even the emotional toll she and her family experienced prior to coming to Restoration Healthcare. “It’s a different level of compassion,” she says.

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