October 2018 Sedona Method Seminar

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Register –  Meet The Instructors – 5 Frequently Asked Questions

In keeping with the beliefs and practices of Restoration Healthcare — namely, that we believe in mind, body, spirit and work-life choice — we are pleased to invite you to join us for a special personal growth & development seminar that’s taking place this October at our office in Irvine. The Sedona Method: The Power of Letting Go (Fri., Oct. 5 – Sun., Oct. 7) provides a rare opportunity to work on that aspect of your overall health and wellbeing that relates to your mind and spirit.

As a functional and integrative healthcare practice, we are deeply focused on restoring hope and optimizing the body’s innate ability to heal from within. What better way to support that effort than to transform your life using a natural process that shows you how to live without resistance and self-imposed obstacles. That’s what the Sedona Method and our exclusive patient-only weekend retreat is all about.

In this transformative 2.5-day event, you will learn to let go of:

  • Fears
  • Phobias
  • Anxieties
  • Unwanted habits

You’ll also learn how to:

  • Set clear goals and intentions
  • Dissolve “Blocks to Action”
  • Use “Releasing” to break unhealthy habits
  • Change your consciousness about your body

It’s About Your Health!

When non-productive patterns and beliefs influence your way of being, conflict and resistance ensue. And that doesn’t just weigh down the spirit; it can lead to complications with your physical health, as well.

Through this seminar — led by two licensed Sedona Method instructors who have over 80 years of combined practical life experience with this powerful, life-changing methodology — you’ll learn about ways to make changes in your lifestyle and habits for long-term greater health.

Meet Your Instructors

We are pleased to welcome Annrika James, a Sedona Method Licensed Instructor and Certified Coach, and the co-founder of Sedona Releasing Worldwide, and Tim McCavitt, one of the world’s leading experts on the Sedona Method, to Restoration Healthcare in Irvine from Oct 5-7, 2018, to help lead our patients in releasing and bringing forth the hope and peace of spirit which embody the Sedona Method’s philosophies.

The Sedona Method itself is comprised of a series of processes that point to your natural ability to let go and discover unshakable peace. It’s not a dogma, philosophy or new set of beliefs. That’s because at our core, we are all inherently positive. As we learn and practice “letting go,” we easily uncover natural confidence, which leads to a clear ability to achieve.

Register Today!

We hope you’ll join us on Friday, Oct 5, 2018, from 7 – 9:30 pm, and then again on Saturday & Sunday, October 6 & 7, from 9:30 am – 5:30 pm at Restoration Healthcare (18818 Teller Ave., Suite 170, Irvine, CA 92612) for this extraordinary event.

The Cost is just $650, with an Early Bird price of $550 offered until the 31st of August ((that’s a 15% discount!).

Join us in discovering healthy ways to make changes in your lifestyle and habits for long-term greater health.

See what others have had to say about The Sedona Method

“The Sedona Method has given me tools that I can use for small and large everyday situations and for unexpected changes in my life. It has shown me ways to unblock my energy and love and allow the ups and downs and neutrals that is the beauty of life.” Taylor S., College student ~ Reno, Nevada

“I am delighted that The Sedona Method, as taught by Annrika and Tim, has given me a quick and easy way of releasing stressful negative energy. I can use the tools to alleviate pent up energies each day.” Loren M., Feng Shui Practitioner ~ Sydney, Australia

“The anxiety and panic that I used to experience are almost consigned to the past, which is phenomenal given the drugs and numerous self-help techniques I’ve tried over the years that haven’t worked.” Jeremy R. ~ London, England


1. When is this fantastic event?

It takes place over two-and-a-half days:

  • Fri, Oct 5: 7:00 – 9:30 pm
  • Sat Oct 6: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
  • Sun., Oct. 7: 9:30 am – 5:30 pm

2. Where will it be held?

Restoration Healthcare
18818 Teller Ave., Suite # 170
Irvine, California 92612

3. How can I register/pay?

Request an invoice (payable via PayPal)

  • Email your request to Tim McCavitt at tim@esedona.net.

Pay by check or money order

  • Make your check or money order payable to: Sedona Releasing Worldwide
  • Mail your payment to:

Sedona Releasing Worldwide
P.O. Box 225
Sedona, Arizona 86339

(Please include your email address)

Pay now online using PayPal:

Power of Letting Go, Irvine CA 2018

Yes. Register before August 31 for a $15% discount of $100.

5. Is there a cancellation policy?

Yes. Cancel (for any reason) 30-14 days before the event and you’ll receive a $300 cancellation fee, as well as applicable PayPal transaction/refund fees. No other refunds are possible.

6. May I invite my neighbors, friends and co-workers to participate?

This event is for Restoration Healthcare patients only.

7. Who should learn the Sedona Method? 

Anyone who has a sincere desire to grow and change their life for the better or is ready to be free of all inner limitation, should learn how to release.

8. Why haven’t I heard of the Sedona Method? 

Until recently the only way to find out about us was to be on one of the direct mail lists the organization uses or to know someone who’s taken one of their seminars or bought a home study course.

9. How long have people practiced the Sedona Method? 

The first class was held in 1974 in Sedona, Arizona. And since then, tens of thousands of people worldwide have experienced its benefits.

10. How quickly will I see results?

From the very first day you put the Method into practice, you should start to see benefits, and the results increase dramatically over time.

11. What can I expect to happen? 

You can expect to feel much better, start making better decisions, be more in control of your life, have better relationships and, in general, have your life improve significantly. The specifics for each individual vary widely because each of us has our own unique experiences, goals and life circumstances.

12. Does it hurt? 

Only when you laugh…no, seriously, releasing is a very uplifting experience that relieves you from the paths that would lead to pain, if not released. The effect of the Sedona Method is that you feel good, confident and at peace.

13. Is this a religion, belief system, spiritual practice or brainwashing technique? 

No. The Sedona Method is simply a technique to let go of unwanted feelings, emotions and everything else that is holding you back. It does not require any special beliefs or ideologies and is in harmony with all religions, belief systems and spiritual practices. The Sedona Method is actually the opposite of brainwashing.

14. How is this different than therapy, meditation or motivational tapes? 

Although the goal of therapy is letting go of unwanted feelings and emotions, The Sedona Method gets you there without being dependent on going to a therapist week after week for months or years at a time. You don’t need to talk to anyone to get results from the Sedona Method.

You meditate with your eyes closed and have to withdraw from the world to get results. And it often takes weeks, months, and even years to experience profound results. The Sedona Method achieves the same results and more in less time with an “eyes open” technique. Rather than withdrawing from the world you become more “involved” in the world. And because you can do it with your eyes open, you can release in the middle of any life circumstance, while it is happening, and before it has a chance to adversely affect you. Plus, you don’t have to adhere to rules from any group or guru.

Motivational tapes are great when you are listening to them. But the effect doesn’t last. You are depending on an external source for your motivation. The Sedona Method teaches you how to create/activate your own motivation and then tap into it whenever you feel the need. You don’t need to follow anyone’s orders but your own. In fact, you become your own best coach/teacher.

15. Will this help me recover from a life-threatening disease?

The Sedona Method is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any illness. If you need medical attention, please consult with your medical practitioner. That said, most healthcare practitioners will agree that being in tip-top emotional condition can only support whatever medical treatment you need and may mean the difference between success and failure.


Request an invoice (payable via PayPal)

  • Email your request to Tim McCavitt at tim@esedona.net.

Pay by check or money order

  • Make your check or money order payable to: Sedona Releasing Worldwide
  • Mail your payment to:

Sedona Releasing Worldwide
P.O. Box 225
Sedona, Arizona 86339

(Please be sure to include your email address)

Pay now online using PayPal:

Power of Letting Go, Irvine CA 2018

Hear About a New Level of Care and Compassion from Arabella

After being passed around from doctor-to-doctor and multiple emergency room visits, no one knew what was causing Arabella’s nerve, joint and muscle pain, extreme fatigue and inability to walk. Was it multiple sclerosis? Was it Lyme Disease? What it something else? A friend’s recommendation led her to Restoration Healthcare, who confirmed it was Lyme Disease.

She describes the experience as being engaging with high standards of care from people who actually care about their patients. The clinic explored every aspect of Arabella’s health including nutritional status, hormone balance, immunity and even the emotional toll she and her family experienced prior to coming to Restoration Healthcare. “It’s a different level of compassion,” she says.

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